Thursday, 3 November 2011

I'm that monster from outer space
that married John Cooper Clark,
I don't like to admit it but
I'm dancing in the dark.
Dancing with myself,
at home, with the door shut
and the curtains drawn
and the telly turned up.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

What lyric encapsulates how you feel at this very moment in time?

What lyric encapsulates how you feel at this very moment in time?

Answer here

Saturday, 14 May 2011

It's difficult to say why curiosity killed the cat.
What became of curiosity? Now on the run.
We can safely bet that although the cat died
Curiosity suffered more. Eventually found
dead in a brothel in Scunthorpe.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

The most beautiful thing in the world is...?

The most beautiful thing in the world is...?

Answer here

Monday, 7 February 2011


A shoe or cloth and wood.
The rafters set, guarding the wall.
The chamber, the chamber, leading to nothing but fire.
Their photos, their markings.
"No smoking", no coats, yet hooks on the wall.
The shelf to be empty.
The chill of the hall.
These people were here.
I cannot touch their ghosts.
These people were here-