Saturday, 29 May 2010

No allowing for success;
deserved or not.
Not a second spared
to contemplate the
sabotaging menace
that lurks and squats
in the same squalid
corner of the mind,
self esteem used
to occupy,
and love won't find.

Not a second given
to the cause of self.
Not a healing word
in the inner prism-
mind made prison.
Not a thought of
love could pass above
the drowning suds-
a diluted result
of the person that once occupied
the tenancy of me.

Not a second glance at
the wanton hatred of
the mirror...
Not a thing left for myself.
I walk past myself,
screwed up in a ball
and thrown on the floor,
and spit out
piteous prophesies predicting
whats is next to decay.

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